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If you hate me, Just leave.
I won't make you stay.
Basketballer identity
Sch:Jurong Sec

All my brothers,friends,family and lastly ofcos is basketball lols.

Hair check in school.
History teacher.
History lesson.

No more hair check.
Pass all my exams.
Be brothers forever.
Be Rich.
Get to poly.

Taggie N

Designer- Maddie
Pictures- 1 2
Brushes- DeviantART
Image programme- Gimp!
Image uploader- Photobucket



Past matches


Saturday, November 13, 2010
exams is finally over.. but i dun feel happy at all. yes it is the end of school but for once, i so dead wish that i am still in school because when in school at the very least we wont be like now. now is holiday and i am gonna be free and yet you are not. so whats the point of having holiday. besides, i might be working and there will be less time for us to even sit down nicely to have a chat. you dun even have to apologize because is not your fault at all. so you dun have to say sorry to me. i dun want to leave you alone and go work but the problem is that when i am free you are not and in each week, you are rarely free and then what am i suppose to do? now we are drifting and what shall i do? i can hardly meet you now even it is holiday. what can i do to maintain our relationship? now there is a fresher person than me to chat with and more topic too. i only can pei you sleep at night or maybe slowly i dun even have the chance.. now what i can do is to take out time to pei you more.. but everytime we chat, we have no topic. either is you reply with single word which make me nothing to reply or is i have nothing to say.. i thought that after that time we will get better but it seems that it doesnt.. i dun know what else i could do already.. i have nothing left...

I Played @ 11/13/2010 12:18:00 AM