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Basketballer identity
Sch:Jurong Sec

All my brothers,friends,family and lastly ofcos is basketball lols.

Hair check in school.
History teacher.
History lesson.

No more hair check.
Pass all my exams.
Be brothers forever.
Be Rich.
Get to poly.

Taggie N

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Pictures- 1 2
Brushes- DeviantART
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Image uploader- Photobucket



Past matches


Thursday, May 22, 2008
Thurs c0mments!
hello lols.. bak to post ler hahas.. lols.. today quite sian de lols.. in school also nth much to do.. lols.. today 1st period is history lols.. teacher give bak our paper thn we all heck care her n do our stuff liao lols.. hahas.. after tat is pe zzzz nv bring pe uni thn need stand in the sun zzz stupid lor.. zzz at the end still got play a bit hahas.. lols.. cos when teacher nv see i go in play hahas.. after pe is eng... zzz eng got no fun time de lols.. mdm priya come in our class teach zzzzz so sian.. after her lesson is recess ler lols.. recess go makan lols.. after went back to class liao lols.. slack slack a while miss anna koh come relieve our class lols.. we do our own things also hahas.. lols.. after tat is f&n.. we do correction n thn at the end of the lesson we all need write 3 reason y fail f&n n how do we improve our f&n.. zzz lols.. write ler thn wait for teacher to check thn go ler.. zz after tat when down to find a person to settle things thn go to yy hus liao lols.. stay at yy hus till 4 thn went to tuition.. after tuition went home liao.. zz sian...... haizz... holiday still gottttt sooooo many homework to do haizz... sian till cham cham.. zzz tmr last day of school ler.. will miss school de lols.. hahas.. till here bah lols.. zzZzzZzz


I Played @ 5/22/2008 07:01:00 PM

Monday, May 19, 2008
MON c0mments!
lols.. hello lols.. bak to post ler lols.. hahas... quite sian this few days.. lols.. holiday coming ler lols.. haizz.. i guess is also sian de lols.. hahas.. last 4 days of school ler lols.. hahas.. mayb is good mayb is bad lols.. haizz.. sian jiu dui ler lols.. hmm today did a lot of things lols.. lazy to list lols.. hope aunty mummy get well soon... tats all ler.. off to bed =) too tired.. lols..


I Played @ 5/19/2008 09:32:00 PM

Saturday, May 17, 2008
SAT c0mments!
lols.. today super de tired lols.. cos ytd yy kl n garrick ton at my hus lols.. hahas.. ytd we all go ride bike.. zzz thn at 6+ i go my guardian hus lols.. after tat they ride bike go to taman from hulu hus lols.. for ur info.. my this mye de result i did very badly lols.. all my subject didnt do well.. haizz..
today morning yy kl n garrick stay at my hus till 11+ we all go out liao lols.. thn yy ride bike home thn i garrick n kl take bus lols.. i go tuition lols.. haiz.. sian.. lols.. thn saw sihua at bus lols.. after that go for tuition.. today tuition do new de things lols.. ionic equation lols.. quite fun de hahas.. lols... soon tuition over ler hahas.. thn i go eat.. eat ler went home sleep lols.. from 2+++ sleep till 7.40+ lols.. haizz... now wake up ler eat my dinner thn play a while thn off to sleep again hahaahas.. lols.. sian....


I Played @ 5/17/2008 08:16:00 PM

Saturday, May 10, 2008
LOLS.. c0mments!
lols.. its been long since i have update my blog lols.. hahas.. due to exam period soo nv come blog lols.. now exam finishing soon ler.. hahas.. haizz.. have 3 more paper.. after the 3 paper is holiday!!! lols.. thn can have fun liao lols.. hmm today cant go anywhere cos tio grounded.. haiz.. sian.. stay at home play com.. zzz super sian... thn kevin n yoga came my hus downstairs.. thn go eat ler go home.. haiz.. sian.. thn felicia n sh tot got tuition lols.. thn they take same bus with kevin n yoga to boon lay lols.. thn after tat when home slack ler.. haizz... super super super super super super super super super super super super duper duper duper duper duper sian la... zzzzz....


I Played @ 5/10/2008 09:39:00 PM