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No Spamming
Tagg me before you leave ty:)
Enjoy your stay here.
If you hate me, Just leave.
I won't make you stay.
Basketballer identity
Sch:Jurong Sec

All my brothers,friends,family and lastly ofcos is basketball lols.

Hair check in school.
History teacher.
History lesson.

No more hair check.
Pass all my exams.
Be brothers forever.
Be Rich.
Get to poly.

Taggie N

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Past matches


Saturday, April 26, 2008
Fri n Sat c0mments!
lols.. hmm.. lets talk about friday n today bah hahas.. ytd was most fun de lols.. hahas.. ytd after school.. went home lols.. thn waited for zh,yy,kl at my hus lols.. cos we plan to go ride bike lols.. hahas.. thn when they come ler lols.. play com a while thn go out ler lols.. ride bike to taman hahas.. lols.. go mac there study hahas.. lols.. after tat jw n garrick come mac find us.. lols.. thn we at mac eat lols.. thn go ride bike again hahas.. we all ride till 11++ lols.. thn i garrick kl went home thn garrick ride a bike to my hus lols.. thn jw n zh go lan play lols.. we ride to my tc ther thn kl went home from there n i n garrick went home too lols.. hahas.. went i n garrick reach tat time wat about 12.30 ler hahas.. lols.. thn garrick so play game i go bath thn folo by i play garrick bath lols.. thn i sleep 1st hahas.. lols.. thn when garrick play till sian ler he wake me up thn i play hahas.. lols.. thn morning jw n zh came lols.. they both go slp lols.. hahas.. thn when 11.20 like tat wake them up thn i went to tuition lols.. after tuition went to study lols.. zzz go cck there de library study lols.. hahas.. thn eat ler all take 172 bus home hahas.. lol.. thn today sian diao.. they all go ride bike i cant.. haizz.. now on9 blogging ler lols.. haizz.. zzz.. exam coming ler.. this monday 1st paper.. haizz.. wonder i can pass or not.. really really really scare ler.. this time is coming for real... haizz.. really hope i can do well... really really hope...


I Played @ 4/26/2008 09:31:00 PM

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
tues c0mments!
lols.. hello again lols.. here to post again hahas.. lols.. hmm.. today morning wake up as usual bath ler go school lols.. thn reach school morning no need go parade square due to raining lols.. hahas.. thn 1st lesson was maths lols.. miss ng give us test lols.. thn after maths is chem lols.. chem i dunno do wat cos nv listen lols.. thn is mt ler lols.. hahas.. lao shi wo you jiao gong ke!!! lols.. hahas.. thn after tat go for recess lols.. after recess is english lols.. teacher come in i slack lols.. zzz come in give call us write speech lols.. zzz sian.. thn nvm lols.. i nv write hahas.. lols.. thn i phy... zzzzz kns lols.. sian dao lao sai.. ZZZZZZZ!!!!!!
after phy is go home liao lols.. today i suppose to go to support jss bball final de lols.. but too bad i choose tuition lols.. hahas.. zzzz jss bball lose in final.. haizz... the opp school too strong liao.. zzz haizz.. nvm jyjy lols.. still have next time de hahas.. lols.. zzz now nth to do soo bloging lols.. hmm till here bah..


I Played @ 4/22/2008 06:28:00 PM

Monday, April 21, 2008
sian... c0mments!
lols.. hello guys lols.. today go school ler slack awhile liao study lols.. super sian hahas... today at dunno which lesson tuzi wear spect lols so funny n guess wat i caught her pic hahas.. lols.. thn after school liao go cut hair lols.. cut ler went home lols.. yy zh n jw come my hus thn for a while go out with me thn i go tuition they go taman play bball.. now at home bloging lols.. hahas.. sian..... exam coming soon ler lols.. haizz....

pic here... sure laugh..

I Played @ 4/21/2008 08:25:00 PM

Sunday, April 20, 2008
zz lazy... c0mments!
lols.. zzz lazy to post for today.. exam coming ler.. haizz.. hope i can do well... nn poa.. i wanna take the sub... kk till here.. zzz

I Played @ 4/20/2008 09:41:00 PM

Thursday, April 17, 2008
thurs c0mments!
lols..here again to post lols.. haizz.. as usual morning the same old thing lols.. hahas.. skip the morning part lols.. today at sch very sian also lols.. doing amaths lols.. hahas.. zzz duno wat to write liao lols.. hahas.. cos too sian ler lols.. thn after school go for amaths ler thn go tuition lols.. haizz... sian lols.. after tuition ler walk home lols.. thn now bath ler com lols.. hahas.. lazy to post lols.. but nvm still post ler hahas.. lols.. anyway hope terence recover soon from leg injuries.. do take care ar lols.. hahas.. kk i shall end here ler lols.. byebye.....


I Played @ 4/17/2008 07:46:00 PM

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tues c0mments!
lols.. hellos again lols.. here to post again hahas.. lols.. hmm.. today skip thn morning part as it seems like every morning i did the same things lols.. hahas.. hmm today went to school thn slack a while morning sing the anthem liao thn go back class 1st lesson is maths lols.. i today siao siao liao.. chiong amaths.. lols.. mad people.. lols.. hahas.. thn after maths is chem lols.. also do maths hahas.. lols.. thn after chem is mt ler lols.. hahas.. do test hahas.. lols.. sure fail liao ler.. haizz.. thn recess lols.. all go eat liao thn left me behind.. all ps me sia zz.. nvm.. thn eat finish ler go back class slack awhile thn is english lesson ler lols.. english came an teacher call mdm priya lols.. tat day she came to relieve our class say wat she 4days eng hod liao lols.. kns lols.. came our class ma jiam like female lion like tat kns lols.. thn ask us do compo title : who do u admire most and is special to you lols.. zzz write 250words.. lols.. i write dunno how many nia lols.. hahas.. btw needed to be handed up by tmr lols.. hahas.. thn after eng is phy liao lols.. zzz teacher teach us graph lols.. (cooling curve & heating curve) lols.. zzz thn after tat mr lim ask us to stay behind just to change our sits lols.. lucky nv change mine lols.. hahas.. thn phy all go home liao lols.. thn i stay back for amaths lesson lols.. today amaths lesson teacher teach us new topic.. lols.. haizz... i sooooooooo freaking scare of my amaths... wanna die.. nvm thn after school de amaths.. went to take 98 with clovis lols.. i go amaths tuition lols.. thn clovis went home hahas.. thn go there also learn new things lols.. thn when amaths finish ler asked wai lap to pei me do homework lols.. hahas.. the stupid english homework lols.. first when to bubble tea shop to buy drinks thn go xiao choun to see psp lols.. after tat went to mac to do my homework lols.. when i'm done with my homework is around 6.30 ler lols.. thn go market walk walk liao thn walk with wai lap to the bus stop he went home lols.. thn i walk home lols.. hahas.. lazy to take bus lols.. thn reach home at 7++ n bath ler all this thn on9 ler.. after tat eat ler thn watch 2002 lols.. by nicholas tse lols.. hahas.. quite nice show lols.. thn now blog a bit lols.. thn off9 ler hahas.. lols.. haizz.. sian.. tmr i am gonna get mad with amaths n all the other homework!!!! lols.. hahas.. i am aready mad for the mid year exam!!!!! super de stress liao.... haizz.. hope can do well in it.. really really hope.. haizz.. and 1 more thing.. i hope i can take the poa test.. n thn pass it.. n soon i can get poa ler.. hahahahahhas.. really hope i wont go mad with all this as i am taking around 8 subject.... lols.. haizz.. dieing..


I Played @ 4/15/2008 10:15:00 PM

Monday, April 14, 2008
monday c0mments!
lols.. today morning wake up at 6 thn go bathh all this thn out of house at 6.40+ lols.. today dunno y sibei stress up when i think of amaths.. haizz.. really scare of the exam tat is coming.. i would wanna die now... haizz.... thn today go school no power supply for the whole block lols.. zzz thn go panel room to study lols.. today english teacher n ss teacher nv come hahas.. very shiok lols.. thn free period lols.. hahas.. after tat is maths.. thn we do express paper lols.. hahas.. thn recess ler lols.. after recess.. phy lols.. also sian sian de thn cme more sian do stupid survey.. after tat is mt last period lols.. go through txbk lols.. thn after school go find yy at cc lols.. thn slack slack till 4+ go home lols.. bath ler take things thn go to tuition lols.. after tuition went home.. parents came to fetch me home hahas.. lols.. thn now reach home ler blogging n eatting lols.. hahas.. tats it for today.. haizz.. tmr anyother headache day.. amaths.. soon is my worst nightmare........... i hope i can overcome this.. i dun wanna have amaths at my nightmare... hope i can do well in it.. hope this days really comes......

Xiia0BoLiia0 feel like dieing.......

I Played @ 4/14/2008 07:43:00 PM

Sunday, April 13, 2008
sat n sun .. c0mments!
lols.. hello again lols.. i shall scan through sat n sun here lols.. hahas.. ytd.. after my tuition when out to east coast to ride bike lols.. hahas.. when out with brothers n old friends lols.. hahas.. when we reach east coast we boys all go n rent bike lols.. thn the girls when to eat lols.. after we ride for 1 hr lols.. we go find them.. lols.. thn when the times is up we go to return bike thn when to eat lols.. we went to marina to eat our dinner lols.. hahas.. sian.. ytd use alot money lols.. now broke ler hahas.. lols.. haizz.... sian.. then after eatting we all when home lols.. jw father come fetch us home lols.. thn we all about 9 ppl on the lorry lols.. thn i bo bian sit at the centre of the lorry lols.. sit till my butt dam pain lols.. zzz thn nvm reach home very late lols.. but dunno wat time cos nv see time lols.. thn lazy to call n confrence with ben n tuzi lols.. thn when to watch tv lols.. hahas...

Sunday lols..
today quite sian lols.. morning wake up at 1030 lols.. sian diao lao sai lols.. thn go bathh all this thn eat ler when out to tuition lols.. today tuition 4hr hahas.. poa n phy lols.. chiong ar lols.. hahas.. after tat when to market to eat lols.. eat finish ler go home lols.. thn watch tv a while nia thn tuzi ask me confrence lols.. thn confrence a while thn i put down the phone ler lols.. very sian hahas.. after tat watch tv again lols.. thn now blogging ler lols.. soon off9 n go watch tv again hahas.. tats all haizz.. exam coming soon ler.. hope i can pass... i am getting more n more stress for my amaths ler.. haizz... T.T.. hope i can catch up.. I NEED MORE PRATICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haizz... tats all for today... cya.. nite......

Xiia0BoLiia0 hope to die peacefully...............

I Played @ 4/13/2008 09:38:00 PM

Thursday, April 10, 2008
thurs... c0mments!
hello people lols.. today morning wake up at 6 thn go bath all this lols.. zzz thn went to school lols.. reach school liao slack awhile thn go parade square lols.. after tat went back class to have lesson.. today super sian n very de !@#$!@#$#!@$!@#$!#@$!@#$#@$ cos of this person type out stupid things causes alot trouble!! and the person is so stupid tat is finding prob for the person ownself!!! now dun feel like talking bout it soo lets continue for today.. thn after sch liao go for amaths lesson.. thn when finish amaths lesson thn go for tuition lols.. nw reached home ler n continue to slack liao lols.. zzzZZZZzzZZZ


I Played @ 4/10/2008 08:34:00 PM

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
tuesday..... c0mments!
lols.. hi again.. lols.. today morning wake up at 6 lols.. done n pack very things liao thn go bath ler lols.. after bathing thn went out home to sch liao.. reach sch 7like tat thn class door nv open lols.. no 1 want go take key.. lols.. thn after anthem go back class thn at last got ppl go take class key liao.. lols.. hmm.. lets keep this short.. i will skip the whole day.. lols.. no mood.. haizz.. zzzzz.... now reach home nth to do.. haizz........

I Played @ 4/08/2008 05:32:00 PM

Monday, April 7, 2008
Phew! c0mments!
hello.. back again lols.. hahas... this morning wakeup late lols.. 6.30 like tat thn wake up lols.. thn wake up ler go bath n all this lols.. thn prepare everything liao thn go school ler lols.. when reach school.. same old thing.. morning chat with brothers.. lols.. thn not long is asslembly(dunno how to spell) lols.. thn go parade square sit lols.. thn after finish ler go back class.. lols.. 1st lesson is english... teacher nv come hahas.. lols.. thn follow by ss.. lols.. super sian.. lols.. thn is maths lols.. dam awake lols.. hahas.. maths lesson i do olvl maths lols.. after maths is recess.. lols.. when to canteen eat lols.. eat ler go bak class thn is phy lesson ler lols.. so sian.. need move my table away lols.. cos later teacher will catch lols.. at the end the teacher nv come in zzzz kns.. waste my time lols.. phy lesson got thermal test lols.. all ask teacher how to do hahas.. lols.. thn after phy lesson is cme lols.. teacher come in call us go hall thn when we reach hall got sec1 asslembly lols.. thn go back class.. lols.. after tat teacher come in with 2 stack of survey.. stupid survey lai de lols.. thn do finish ler hand up lols.. thn end of lesson ler lols.. thn mt lesson lai liao lols.. sian de lesson also lols.. hahas.. after mt lesson go home liao lols.. hahas.. go out class go find miss yeong tok tok tok tok tok liao thn go ask yy they all got go out mah thn they nv go out but go play rugby lols.. thn i nv go play.. went to bl n play bball lols.. kinda ps them.. ps ar.. thn asked yeeseng to join lols.. thn go bl play.. with tuzi, ben n wei han they all lols.. play till 4.30++ like tat i go home bath ler lols.. go tuition lols.. today tuition phy.. zz lols.. after tuition go to 7-11 to buy newspaper lols.. after tat waited for 99 with jie jie n taima lols.. thn now reach home eat ler thn com lols.. hahas.. hmm today write de post very long sia lols... so much to write lols.. kk la till here.. hahas.. nite nite to all people lols..


I Played @ 4/07/2008 08:07:00 PM

Sunday, April 6, 2008
3rd post ler lols.. c0mments!
hahas.. hello again lols.. this is my 3rd post ler lols.. haizz.. still the same thing.. SIAN lols.. hmm morning wake up at around 9 thn go bath n thn on9 ler lols.. on9 awhile nia went out for tuition lols.. 12-4 lols.. zz 1st poa thn phy lols.. any now after tuition ler lols.. sooo come bak home play com lols.. today quite sian de lols.. n ytd.. forget go sch de amaths lesson..... tmr sure go sch kena mr loh kpkb de lols.. zzzz hmm nth to write ler lols.. hahas.. till here..


I Played @ 4/06/2008 04:51:00 PM

Saturday, April 5, 2008
haizz. c0mments!
lols.. hellos again lols.. done all the blog things ler lols.. sooo ma fan somemore.. lols.. cos me alot of time to get this done sia lols.. hahas.. hmm bout today is quite fun la lols.. morning wake up at 9+ lols.. very tired lols.. wake up liao go bath liao thn play com ler lols.. play till 11.30 like tat go to tuition lols.. today tuition is chem lols.. thn after tuition ler meet lb n zl thn go market eat lols.. eat ler they all come my hus play lols.. thn zh also got come n play lols.. hahhas.. they stay till 6+-7 thn go home ler lols.. left me n zh lols.. i n zh thn go to the market eat our dinner lols.. when we done our eatting zh come my hus again lols.. he play till around 9+ go home liao lols.. now so sian lols... tmr sunday lols.. having poa n phy lesson lols.. 4HRR!!!!!!!!!! lols.. but nvm hahas.. zzz i shall stop here ler lols.. soo cya lols.. SIAN


I Played @ 4/05/2008 10:11:00 PM

Friday, April 4, 2008
New blog skins... c0mments!
LOLS hellos peoples.. back with new blogskins lols.. dunn weather is nice or not lols.. cos dunno which skin nice so i anyhow choose lols.. just update finish nia lols.. haizz.. sian.. late ler lols.. tmr continue ler bah lols.. sooo cya..


I Played @ 4/04/2008 11:40:00 PM